Speakers Bureau

Our team is comprised of a number of experts in a wide range of fields all of whom are seasoned speakers.  We are available to come speak at your church or group on a variety of subjects in formats ranging from single presentations to all-day conferences.   These talks typically include Power Point presentations and often handouts, depending on the subject material requested.  You pick the topic or topics, and just Contact Us.

An example of a weekend conference may include topics such as “Introduction to the Cults”, “A Response to Religious Pluralism”, “Islam Overview”, “Debunking the Psychics”, and “Evidences for the Resurrection of Christ.”  Another example might include “Answering the New Atheists”, “Buddhism 101”, “Mormonism”, “Truth and Knowledge”, and “Wicca/Witchcraft Examined.”

Let us be that invaluable resource to you as our experienced team brings you the very best of the information that is out there in these stimulating and unforgettable sessions.
